Steiner Q&A: The Best Reverse Boring Tool Solutions – And Why We’re So Excited About Them

Steiner Q&A: The Best Reverse Boring Tool Solutions – And Why We’re So Excited About Them

Everyone here at Steiner has H. Bilz on the mind. And for good reason: our team is currently finalizing plans to add a new line of counterboring tools made by German manufacturer Hermann Bilz (H. Bilz). For both Steiner and H. Bilz, this is yet another chapter in a decades-old manufacturing partnership. And as our…

Guest Blog: Building Your Manufacturing Website: Three Digital Marketing Essentials

Guest Blog: Building Your Manufacturing Website: Three Digital Marketing Essentials

Manufacturing Guest Blogger Precision Marketing Group, LLC While some manufacturing companies are still investing in more traditional forms of advertising, such as ads in trade magazines, only 32 percent are finding these tactics to be effective. This fact highlights the need for a strong digital marketing strategy. Yet the world of digital marketing changes at…

Design Automation Software: What It Does and Why It’s a Game-Changer for Manufacturers

Design Automation Software: What It Does and Why It’s a Game-Changer for Manufacturers

In the world of manufacturing, we tend to think in terms of faster, better and more cost-efficient. So when we find ways to significantly improve any one of these factors, well … it’s exciting. That’s how I would describe our experience in using DriveWorks design automation software. Simply put, it’s been a game-changer for us….

Reverse Machining: What Is It and What Can It Do for My Profitability?

Reverse Machining: What Is It and What Can It Do for My Profitability?

Many manufacturing companies today already capitalize on the benefits of using reverse machining in their manufacturing processes. Yet at the same time, there are many others who are complacent in existing systems and therefore may dismiss the idea altogether. But reverse machining processes and tools (for example, back counterbore, back countersink and back spotface) can…

CNC Machine Safety 3 Operator Risks Every Manufacturing Company Should Know About

CNC Machine Safety 3 Operator Risks Every Manufacturing Company Should Know About

ABefore OSHA was created in 1971, an estimated 38 workers were killed on the job every day. Today, that number is down to about 12 fatal injuries per day. While this is a drastic improvement, workplace safety still has a long way to go. Manufacturing companies in particular have taken huge strides by adhering to…

IMTS Chicago: 3 Top Inspirations for Manufacturers Everywhere

IMTS Chicago: 3 Top Inspirations for Manufacturers Everywhere

The International Manufacturing Technology Show (IMTS) is one of the most extensive industrial trade shows in the world. It spotlights more than 2,000 exhibiting companies and draws in well over 100,000 registrants. IMTS inspires people all across the globe – and this year, IMTS Chicago did not disappoint. Given the range of tools, solutions and…

Lean Manufacturing

Lean Manufacturing

LEAN Lean manufacturing is an important process improvement tool that formally or informally has made its way onto virtually every manufacturing floor in the 21st Century. If you aren’t familiar with it, it is the simple concept of eliminating steps or actions that do not bring value to the end user or customer. Take out…

Resistance to Change

Resistance to Change

Remember, the ultimate goal in today’s manufacturing is a safe efficient way to machine parts and still be profitable. This may be as simple as a process change on the shop floor or a new way to machine parts in fewer operations. Profitably manufacturing components quickly without sacrificing quality is often the challenge. The Autofacer…